E la musica diviene luce
Categoria Musica, Video by Piero_TM_RProbabilmente è uno dei video degli ultimi mesi che mi ha colpito maggiormente, l’idea è a dir poco semplice, ma la realizzazione è veramente stupenda e ci si perde a guardare i giochi di luce che sono nati dopo tre giorni di gestazione.
Tutto da gustare e da apprezzare!
Ecco una spiegazione del progetto in lingua originale:
lights on is an audio visual performance created for the Ars Electronica museum in Linz, Austria, which has a facade that contains 1085 LED controllable windows. The windows’ colors are changed in realtime with music that’s broadcasted on speakers surrounding the building.
visuals coded in openframeworks by zachary lieberman, joel gethin lewis and damian stewart (yesyesno). music by daito manabe, with support from Taeji Sawai and Kyoko Koyama. we made this in three days 🙂
the performance is approximately 10 minutes long. this is an edit. also, we’ve recorded the output from the software (audio / OSC) and this performance can be replayed in the future for events, etc.
special thanks to the awesome ars electronica / futurelab crew, (maria, wolfgang, andreas, ramsay, horst, gerfried, maff, christopher and everyone else), also iris mayer, carolina vallejo, and rhizomatiks for helping make this possible. also a huge thanks to the excellent technicians Multivision who installed this system: is.gd/BnCy. some info about the install here: is.gd/BkP2
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